• enquiry@alaa.com.my
  • +603 2716 6389 / 90
Get to know us

Our Aims

We aspire to be recognized as the leading loan specialist in the industry. Our ultimate objective is to establish a reputation as premier loan specialists from the outset of our business. We supply a great variety of loans from various banks or lenders. The capacity to obtain a loan rate that best meets the demands of our clients is increased by a broker's level of experience and network.

With each client, we go over the specifics, remain vigilant on the payment, and smooth out any bumps.


ALAA Consultancy intends to develop a relationship of trust and understanding with its clients. ALAA also develops opportunities for younger generations, moral virtue, and healthy competition in the loan industry. Our target is to enhance respectively their lifestyles and working conditions for our workforce.


The primary objective of ALAA Consultancy is to offer our clients convenient access to a variety of loans from banks and lenders by turning into a one-stop destination for them. In summary, our clients are given access of the various loan offers from different banks or lenders when they approach us. We also offer free comprehensive information and guidance on how to secure a loan.
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